Thursday, February 19, 2009

Potty Break

Sorry you may have to turn you head I couldn't flip it?

I have been helping Andie to be aware of the potty so that we can be more ready to potty train in the future. The other day Andie went and got Makell's hand and said "potty" as she was pulling her to the bathroom. Makell looked at me a little confused and decided to go along with it. She helped Andie sit on the Pot and of coarse nothing happens but Andie has fun mimicking the fun noises that can be made while on the potty. What a fun moment to capture with our oldest helping the youngest to (pretend) to go potty! Maybe I should turn the wheel over to make with this one she was doing a great job! Ha Ha

1 comment:

  1. Tell Makell she can come potty train Josh too, if she wants!!! ;-P Cute video!
